In West Bengal, the State Government has extended the restrictions till 30th of June with further relaxations from tomorrow in view of the declining trend in COVID-19 cases. The state witnessed a peak of nearly 21 thousand new cases a month ago when strict restrictions were imposed while the number of new COVID cases was 3,519 yesterday.
Within a month of imposing strict restrictions, the positivity rate of COVID infection came down to around six per cent in the state. After a review meeting held yesterday, the government ordered to extend the restrictions further but with more relaxations.
Government offices other than essential
services will be open with 25 per cent staff in normal hours while private and corporate offices can resume business with upto 25 per cent staff strength for fixed hours. Production units and the IT sector can work with 50 per cent staff strength.
Shopping malls and restaurants are now permitted to be open, though for limited hours and restricted customer capacity. Games and sports are also allowed to resume in stadiums and clubs without spectators.
Permission has also been given to resume shooting for films and television programmes, with up to 50 people per unit at a time, subject to vaccination and COVID Appropriate Behaviour.