The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday made it clear that Nitish Kumar will be Chief Minister 'whatever may be the outcome in terms of numbers' post-Assembly elections in Bihar. Addressing media along with Nitish Kumar in Patna, senior BJP leader and deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi said that had LJP founder Ram Vilas Pawan was healthy, his son Chirag could not have taken the decision to quit the NDA. Modi said that only those who accept Nitish Kumar's leadership in Bihar will stay in the NDA.

The LJP is headed by Ram Vilas Paswan's son Chirag. Chirag on Sunday decided to walk out of the NDA and appealed to the people of Bihar not to vote for Nitish Kumar. He exuded confidence that the LJP and the BJP will form the next government. Ram Vilas Paswan, a Rajya Sabha MP and a minister in NDA government at the Centre, recently had a heart surgery and is recuperating at a Delhi hospital.

Sushil Modi also objected to the LJP's bid to use Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name and photos during the campaigning. He said that the party will move the Election Commission, if required, to prevent the LJP from using PM Modi’s name during campaigning.

"Had Ram Vilas been healthy, this would not have happened. No ifs and buts," the deputy CM said. "We have got to know that some Independent candidates

and dozens of parties in Bihar might use photos of CM or PM. If needed, we will write to EC that BJP, JD(U), VIP, HAM are contesting together and only they can use PM's photos. If someone else uses it, EC can take action," he added.

Chirag has been vocal against Nitish Kumar for some time, but refrained from commenting on the BJP. He has publicly questioned Nitish Kumar’s handling of Covid-19 situation, floods and migrants exodus.

During the press meet, Nitish Kumar refrained from speaking on the LJP's move, but sought to remind Chirag that his party helped Ram Vilas in reaching the Rajya Sabha.

"Ram Vilas Paswan is unwell. We want him to recover. Did he reach Rajya Sabha without JDU's help? How many seats do they have in Bihar Vidhan Sabha? Two. So, BJP-JD(U) gave him ticket to Rajya Sabha," he said, adding that "what do we have to do with what someone says".

The NDA in Bihar comprises BJP, JD(U), HAM, and VIP. As per the seat-sharing deal, the JD(U) will contest from 122 seats and the BJP from 121. The JD(U) has given seven seats to Jitan Ram Manjhi's HAM while the BJP will accommodate the VIP.

The three-phase polling in the eastern state will take place between October 27 and November 7. The results will be announced on November 10. 
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