Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said that they can vaccinate entire Delhi in 3 months provided they are given full freedom by the Centre.
Kejriwal said some experts feel that there may be a Covid-19 strain that is spreading too fast as rising cases in Delhi is a concern.
"We have to prepare for our ultimate limit... lockdown will be imposed only in a condition if we realise that hospitals are falling short or the fatality rate is increasing," he
"Hospitals should not fall short of ICU beds, ventilators, oxygen. This should be our concern. Proper hospital management has to be followed," he added.
"I appeal to people if you are an asymptomatic Covid-19 patient, please do not admit in hospitals. Follow home isolation, so that hospitals should not fall short of beds for serious patients," Kejriwal said.
"Our objective is to achieve maximum vaccination we can," he mentioned.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?