New Delhi: A 48-year-old woman allegedly smashed her mother-in-law to death using a frying pan in south Delhi’s Neb Sarai area, police said on Tuesday, suspecting the accused might have grown frustrated as she had to take care of the 86-year-old who was suffering from arthritis.
On April 28, a person informed the police that his friend’s mother named Hasi Som fell in her flat and was bleeding, police
Surjit Som (51), his wife Sarmishta Som (48) and their 16-year-old daughter have been living with in Swastik Residency, Neb Sarai since 2014.
On April 28, a person informed the police that his friend’s mother named Hasi Som fell in her flat and was bleeding, police said.
Surjit Som (51), his wife Sarmishta Som (48) and their 16-year-old daughter have been living with in Swastik Residency, Neb Sarai since 2014.