The Union home ministry on Monday said Rs 200 crore has been sanctioned to states and union territories (UTs) to set up women help desks in police stations and to strengthen anti-human trafficking units in all districts of the country.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Union Home Minister Amit Shah also said that women empowerment has always been the focal point of the policies of the Narendra Modi government.
“On the occasion of International Women’s Day, I bow to women power symbolising courage, valour and dedication. Women empowerment has always been the focal
point of the policies of the Modi government and it is a matter of pride that today women power is contributing significantly in realising the resolve of a self-reliant India,” he said in a tweet in Hindi.
Later, in a statement, the home ministry said to enhance safety and security of women in the country, it has taken several initiatives which are funded by the Nirbhaya Fund.
A separate women safety division has also been set up in the home ministry to sensitise states and UTs on women safety related issues including timely completion of investigation of sexual assault cases, it said.
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