Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that World Health Day is a day to reaffirm our gratitude and appreciation to all those who work day and night to keep our planet healthy. In a tweet, Mr Modi said, It’s also a day to reiterate our commitment to supporting research and innovation in healthcare.
On World Health Day, he called upon everyone to keep the focus on fighting COVID-19 by taking all possible precautions including wearing a mask, regularly washing hands and
following the other protocols. Mr Modi said, at the same time, do take all possible steps to boost immunity and stay fit.
The Prime Minister said, Government of India is taking numerous measures including Ayushman Bharat and Pradhan Mantri Janaushadhi Yojana to ensure people get access to top quality and affordable healthcare. He said, India is also conducting the world’s largest vaccination drive to strengthen the fight against COVID-19.