The Meteorological Center Shimla has issued a yellow alert for heavy rains in the state till August 21 in Himachal Pradesh. During this period, except for Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur, the department has expressed the possibility of heavy rains in the remaining 10 districts. Flash floods have also been warned in Chamba and Mandi districts on August 21.
During this period, people have been asked to be alert, people and tourists have been appealed not to go to the banks of rivers and drains. Also avoid traveling to landslide prone areas. At the same time, 10
people got trapped in NTPC's Kol dam in Mandi late on Sunday evening. The local people immediately informed the administration about this.
The administration has called the NDRF team on the spot for immediate relief and rescue. It is worth noting that 341 people have lost their precious lives, 327 have been injured and 38 people are still missing due to heavy rains, cloudbursts and landslides in the state, while the monetary loss has been estimated at more than 10,000 crore rupees in the state.