SAMBALPUR: Police on Friday arrested a 22-year-old youth for creating fake Facebook account in the name of a girl and posting her obscene pictures on the social media platform. The accused was identified as Kshirasindhu Padhan alias Gokul of Jugipali village within Bheden police limits in Bargarh district.
Police said a woman of Dhama area in Sambalpur had lodged a complaint with the Cyber police alleging that a person created a fake Facebook account by using the name and photograph of her 20-year-old sister.
Besides, the person was posting obscene photographs of her sister from the account and sending
messages to many Facebook users people.
Basing on the complaint, police launched an investigation and found Gokul’s involvement in the cyber crime. Police sources said the victim had come in contact with Gokul on Facebook a few months back. They became friends and used to chat on the social networking site.
However, due to some reason, the victim cut off all ties with the accused and stopped responding to him on Facebook. Enraged over the woman’s behaviour, Gokul created the fake account in her name in a bid to take revenge and posted her obscene pictures. The accused has been produced in court.