Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked people to remain extra vigilant as the infection of zika virus is spreading rapidly. The government has established an integrated command centre in Kanpur to stop the spread of infection. The number of patients infected with zika virus has reached 79 in the Kanpur district with 13 more patients identified yesterday with the symptoms.
Yesterday Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath asked officials to continuously monitor each and every patient. A team of health officials has been deputed in the
command centre which is working 24/7 and monitoring the situation. For testing and advising them to keep their surroundings clean.
District magistrate of Kanpur Vishal ji said that team is also helping people in giving by giving them detailed information about the virus, its spread and symptoms. Chief medical officer of the district Doctor Nepal Singh said that health officials are taking every possible step to stop the spread of infection and conducting tests of the people with possible symptoms.