In a rare and unprecedented move, a father surprised his son with a grand celebration party after he failed his MP class 10th board examinations. Wanting to set a positive example for his son, Surendra Kumar Vyas of Sagar threw a party to celebrate the results. The result was immaterial – what mattered was that his son tried and as he says, “there is more to life than just exams.”In a time when the stress of passing the examinations is mounting and with news of students attempting to commit suicide, this was a breath of fresh air.

In the news, the sound and happy manner in which a father handled his’ son’s failure is both inspiring. The lesson to the society was loud and clear – Exam Results are not the end of the road. Speaking to, Surendra Kumar Vyas says, "This is how I want to motivate my son. After failing in exams, children go into depression and some of them even take the extreme step of ending their lives. I want to tell such children that boards are not the last exams. There is much more to come in life.” He further adds

that his son can always try next year. The grand gesture had everything. There were celebrations befitting a success and the father spared nothing. 

A civil contractor, Vyas ordered sweets, firecrackers and set up a shamiyana and invited his friends and neighbous who turned up in large number to support the noble gesture.And the end result – completely positive. Ashu, who failed to clear the recently declared MP Board Results spoke about his father’s positive reaction. Speaking to TOi, he says, “I appreciate my father. I promise to study more in the next academic session to pass with excellent marks.

”The boards are currently in the process of declaring the results. MP Board Results were recently declared and about 66% students passed in the class 10 results 2018. With results there is success and there is failure. What is important is to keep looking ahead. Times Now only wishes there were more parents like Surendra Kumar Vyas who use positive reinforcement as a tool for better development of their child.
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