Gurgaon : Monday Morning A girl was allegedly abducted from the Gate of her college in Gurgaon on and freed after a few hours as police jumped into action, with the incident again putting the spotlight on women’s safety in the Delhi-NCR region.“The girl is now safe at her home. The girl is a second-year student of the college. According to witnesses, a white Maruti Swift suddenly stopped near her when she was entering the college to write an examination. A man in the rear seat reportedly dragged her into the car. commissioner of police Navdeep Virk said The culprits and the victim girl knew each other...At this stage, it would be wrong to reveal more details,”. The car’s number plate was covered with mud to avoid identification, police said  Three accused have been identified. They will be arrested soon,” Gurgaon Singh. Soon after the kidnapping, dramatic CCTV footage emerged of the car allegedly used by the abductors speeding away from Dronacharya Government College as a couple of youngsters chased the vehicle.

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