India has called for a more inclusive fight against bigotry that takes on religiophobia, targeting hatred of all religions.
Expressing concern over violence against places of worship and religions, India’s Permanent Representative P Harish said that India strongly believes that the path to meaningful progress in fighting bigotry lies in acknowledging that religiophobia in its various forms threatens the fabric of our diverse, global society.
He said this at a General Assembly commemoration of the International Day to
Combat Islamophobia. He said virtually every major faith has a home in India, which is the birthplace of four world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
Mr Harish said that fostering a world free from religious discrimination, hatred and violence has been a way of life for India since time immemorial.
He underlined that all countries must commit to equal treatment of all their citizens and not practice policies that promote religious discrimination.