NEW DELHI Feb 11, 2015 (Agency) Delhi chief minister-designate Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday refused to take security cover, said a party source."Through newspapers, we came to know that he (Kejriwal) will be given Z-plus security. But, he is a man of the masses and doesn't need any security," a party source said after Kejriwal met Union home minister Rajnath Singh.
A day after leading AAP to a landslide victory in Delhi assembly polls, Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday met Union home minister Rajnath Singh and discussed various issues with him.
"We have invited home minister for the oath-taking ceremony and requested his support for Delhi's complete statehood rights," said AAP leader Manish Sisodia who accompanied Kejriwal to the meeting.How Kejriwal retrieved a near impossible situation and scripted a House

Earlier in the day, Kejriwal met Union urban development minister Venkaiah Naidu and requested for the Centre's assistance for development of Delhi."We have discussed four big issues with the minister. Firstly, the issues of the poor such as compensation for them, we will need central government's help in that. Secondly, the issue of unauthorized colonies on which the Centre recently passed a resolution. So in order to take it forward help will be needed from MCD, DDA and the Centre," Sisodia told reporters after the meeting."We told him that for more schools, colleges, hospitals and parking, a lot of land will be needed so whatever land is available with DDA, we have requested for it."And, lastly the issue of full statehood. We have been fully assured that without any political divide, we will get their support," he added.
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