MPs from the eight parties also declared that they will launch a signature campaign, with Opposition parties, Congress, Trinamool Congress and Left today joined hands to corner the government over its alleged & approach President Pranab Mukherjee on the issue and will also raise the matter in Parliament in the upcoming Budget "sinister" move to "strip" Aligarh Muslim University and Jamila Millia Islamia University of their minority status and slammed Attorney General Mukul Rohtagi on the issue. MPs said We condemn the statement of the Attorney General of India, who has blatantly tried to outrage the rich tradition of Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb by mentioning before the Supreme Court that these two institutions are not minority institutions The Attorney General has told the government that Delhi-based Jamia Milia Islamia is not a minority institution as it was created by an Act of Parliament, days after he told the Supreme Court that the legislature never intended the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to be a minority institution. In his opinion to the HRD Ministry, Rohatgi is understood to have also quoted a 1967 Supreme Court judgement which had said that AMU is technically not a minority institution and the same principle applied to Jamia Milia Islamia.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?