The crisis has further deepened in the ruling Samajwadi Party as party patriarch Mulayam Singh has called an emergency convention on 5th January. Mulayam also declared all the resolutions passed in the emergency convention called yesterday by Ramgopal Yadav as null and void terming the convention itself as unconstitutional and illegal. 
In a very eventful day yesterday, Mulayam expelled his close colleagues MPs Naresh Agrawal and Kironmoy Nanda besides again expelling Ramgopal Yadav from the Party for six years. Now all eyes are set on January 5, the day when Mulayam Singh Yadav has called the emergency convention of the party which has been virtually took over by

his son and CM Akhilesh Yadav yesterday. 
Now the ​CM Akhilesh Yadav seems to be in firm command of the Party organisation as his supporters captured the Party HQs in Lucknow yesterday. Ahilesh ​Yadav also appointed Naresh Uttam as state party chief who replaced Shivpal Yadav. His ​supporters laid ​a siege over the party headquarters in Lucknow and forcibly removed Shivpal’s nameplate outside his office.​ The Akhilesh faction hinted that it will apprise the Election Commission of India about the change of guard in the party whereas Mulayam camp claims that there no change in party structure is accepted till it has acceptance of party chief.

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