Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a veiled dig at Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday, saying now that a “young leader” had spoken, there was no chance of an earthquake.
Gandhi had recently said he knew about “personal corruption” by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was “terrified” of the information, but he wasn’t being allowed by the government to speak about it in Parliament. He said if he spoke in Parliament, there would be “an earthquake and Modi would not be able to sit”.
On Wednesday, Gandhi said Modi had accepted suspicious cash payments in the months before winning the 2014 general election. After Gandhi’s Gujarat speech, the BJP denied the allegation against Modi, saying the Prime Minister was “as pure as the Ganga” river.
Speaking at an event in Varanasi on Thursday, Modi

said everyone had seen what the “earthquake” was all about.“They have a youth leader; he is learning how to speak. Since the time he has learnt how to speak, I am the happiest. In 2009, you couldn’t even tell what is inside this packet. Now we are finding out… If he hadn’t spoken, there could have been an earthquake. It would have been an earthquake that people would have had to deal with for 10 years. Good he has started speaking... there is no chance of an earthquake now,” Modi said while launching a cancer hospital in his constituency Varanasi.
He also attacked the Opposition, saying the ruckus by them in Parliament over demonetisation was like the cover fire that Pakistan gives to terrorists.Modi reached his parliamentary constituency Varanasi on Thursday morning to lay the foundation stones of various projects.

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