Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for wider public debate on holding simultaneous elections for Lok Sabha and state assemblies. Speaking at the Diwali Mangal Milan programme organized by BJP in New Delhi yesterday, Mr Modi said, it appears that there is a halt in debate on some issues, and if media plays its role in carrying forward the debate, it will be good.
The Prime Minister said, leaders of almost all political parties privately say that something must be done but several had often hesitated to speak on the issue after he raised it publicly. Mr Modi, however, maintained that such hesitation will prevail for some time, but notwithstanding such dilemma, the public discourse should continue. The Prime Minister said, this is not an issue that can be imposed by the government and suggested the need for a discussion among larger public and political parties. 
Mr Modi said, often, election observers are deputed for two months and even the states where elections are not held, have to spare their officials. He said, it also results in economic burden. The Prime Minister said issues like the code of conduct and deployment of poll observers needed to be debated on as various

questions are raised on these matters.
Mr Modi lauded the media for its constructive contribution to public causes. He also complimented the media for its role in propagating the message of cleanliness. He said, cleanliness never received a due place in our society and now states are competing in this regard. He said, three states have been declared open defecation free. Mr Modi said, although they are small states but a health competition has begun. He said, the success of Swachhata Mission can be attributed to the role of the media.
Speaking on the occasion, BJP president Amit Shah said, due to surgical strikes the people of the country are feeling proud on its soldiers and are also indebted for the sacrifice they made. He also praised the BJP-led Centre government and said India had developed on all fronts be it urban or rural sector, agriculture or poverty alleviation and the doubt that existed about over its prospects in 2014 have gone away.
Senior party leaders, including Union Ministers Arun Jaitley, Manohar Parrikar and J.P. Nadda, and Ram Lal also attended the programme where other senior party leaders, functionaries and senior journalists were also present.

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