On Thursday, Telangana Haj Committee released application forms for the pilgrimage at Haj House. S.A Shukoor, Special Officer, Telangana Haj Committee, who is also making arrangements for departure of Haj pilgrims from Andhra Pradesh said: Based on the decision of Central Haj Committee, there will be an increase in pilgrim numbers. Subsidised Haj pilgrim headcount is proportionately linked to population of the Muslim community in each State. The expenses per pilgrim will be close to Rs. 2 lakh. While a total of 5,545 pilgrims had gone on Haj last year, this year 500 to 1,000 more people would get a chance to take off from Hyderabad, authorities confirmed. As September 10 will be the date of pilgrimage this year, there are six more months to practice. Speaking at the gathering, Syed Omer Jaleel, Special Secretary, Minorities Welfare Commission, said that the process of selection of Haj pilgrims is very transparent and is not based on recommendation. This year the number of State sponsored Haj pilgrims from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh will increase as the number of slots will be based on 2011 Census of Muslim population.
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