The Maharashtra Governor Mr Vidyasagar Rao holding additional charge of the state is visiting Chennai this afternoon. The two warring factions of the ruling AIADMK led by caretaker chief minister O.Panneerselvam and chief minister designate VK Sasikala are planning to meet him. The Sasikala loyalists keep the MLAs who attended their meeting yesterday herded together in preparation for the show of strength.
Meanwhile, war of words between the two factions continued yesterday with Ms Sasikala claiming her rival camp playing into the hands of the opposition, and caretaker chief minister O.Panneerselvam reiterating his stand, he was subjected to humiliation and forced to resign. He favoured an inquiry panel led by a Supreme Court judge to look into the circumstances leading to late Jayalalithaa's hospitalization and the line of treatment meted out to her while Ms Sasikala said any such inquiry would

prove her care for the departed leader.
The critics of the AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala claim she armtwisted her way into the party position and got herself elected as the Legislature Party leader. However, Sasikala faction says her elevation has been unanimous. The MLAs reportedly supporting her were about to be led to Delhi last night but cancelled their visit after reports about Governor's arrival to Chennai came in.
While Sasikala faction flaunts the list of 131 MLAs in support of her, the party Rajya Sabha member V.Maitreyan, owing allegiance to Mr O.Panneerselvam, has said, though the MLAs are being held captive, what matters is the floor test. He said people at the grassroot level are overwhelmingly supporting Mr Panneerselvam and he will be able to prove his majority. The Governor's decisions at this critical juncture would be regarded as the most crucial.

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