Displaying 1 - 30 of 2423 total results

Study finds obesity a possible contributor to early menarche in girls

A recent study, conducted on over 70,000 women in the US by Harvard University's School of Public Health, discovered a correlation between early menst...


World No Tobacco Day: Know what happens to your body when you quit smoking

World No Tobacco Day 2024 is a global campaign held on May 31st every year to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and to encourag...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Hipberry

Rosehips, those vibrant little pods that appear after roses bloom, are more than just a pretty addition to the bush. Packed with nutrients and antioxi...


Know how Jackfruit flour is beneficial for diabetics

Due to bad diet and lifestyle, people are suffering from diabetes the most. Diabetes patients are increasing rapidly in India. This disease is catchin...


Common symptoms of vitamin C that appear on the skin

If you want to make your skin healthy and beautiful, then definitely take a healthy diet. Vitamin C is as important for boosting immunity as it is for...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Apples

Apples, one of the most popular and widely consumed fruits globally, have earned their reputation as a health-boosting superfood. With a rich history ...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Superfood Banana

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits globally, cherished for their delightful sweetness, portability, and impressive nutritional profile...


Doctors warn that Tattoo causes inherent risks of hepatitis, HIV and cancers

Tattoos have long been a symbol of self-expression and artistry, with countless individuals choosing to adorn their bodies with intricate designs and ...


Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day

Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day, a global movement for shattering stigmas and advocating for accessible menstrual hygiene management for all. This year...


Know when and how to eat kiwi for optimal health benefits

We all know how beneficial the consumption of fruits is for us. Fruits rich in nutrients make our health even better. There are some fruits which are ...


Immediate first aid tips to treat heat stroke

As the relentless summer sun beats down across India, the nation grapples with an intense heatwave. Each passing day sees the mercury climbing higher,...


Alarming increase in hypertension among young Indian children, reveals AIIMS

The early onset of hypertension among children and adolescents is becoming increasingly concerning, according to health experts at the All India Insti...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Cashews

Cashews are a kidney-shaped seed sourced from the cashew tree — a tropical tree native to Brazil, commonly known as "kaju" in India, have transcended ...


Study reveals early brain network differences in six-week infants with autism-risk

Researchers identified distinct brain connection patterns in six-week-old infants at high risk for autism, indicating early emergence before observabl...


Men at higher risk for diabetes problems than women: Study

New research has discovered that men with diabetes face a higher risk of significant health issues compared to diabetic women. The study, which includ...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Sprouted Wheat

Wheat germ, the nutrient-dense core of the wheat kernel, often goes unnoticed, yet it packs a powerful punch in terms of nutritional value. Despite be...


ICMR releases dietary advisories for busy women

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging, especially for women who juggle multiple responsibilities daily. From managing work and household ...


IAP advises not to give antibiotics to kids with viral fever

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) has issued an advisory for parents and caregivers: do not give antibiotics to children suffering from viral fev...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Red Rice

Red rice, a whole grain, derives its distinctive colour from anthocyanins, compounds also found in red cabbage and red onions, concentrated in the bra...


Study finds climate change may affect those with brain conditions

Recent research published in The Lancet Neurology journal suggests that climate change is expected to have a negative impact on the health of individu...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Barbados Cherry

Nestled among the lush landscapes of the Caribbean, South America, and Central America, Acerola, commonly known as Barbados cherry, emerges as a vibra...


Infertility treatment doubles postpartum heart disease risk: Study

After giving birth, individuals who received infertility treatment are twice as likely to be hospitalised for heart disease compared to those who conc...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Superfood Celeriac

Celeriac, also known as knob celery, is often overlooked in the produce aisle. But beneath its knobby exterior lies a nutritional powerhouse. This ver...


Govt Slashes Prices Of 41 Commonly Used Medicines, 6 Formulations

The Government has slashed the prices of 41 commonly used medicines and six formulations used to treat diseases such as diabetes, heart and liver ailm...


WHO prequalifies second dengue vaccine, Full deets

The World Health Organisation (WHO) marked a significant milestone in the global fight against dengue fever with the prequalification of a new vaccine...


ICMR advises against consuming tea and coffee before and after meals

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has recently put forth noteworthy advice regarding two of India's favourite beverages: tea and coffee. I...


Know the causes, symptoms and precautions of Yellow fever

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), yellow fever is a viral disease caused when bitten by infected mosquitos. It is mostly found in trop...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is derived from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree, with Indonesia being the leading producer globally. This versatile spice is utilised t...


ICMR suggests to avoid milk tea and coffee

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently released 17 guidelines advising Indians to engage in a healthy diet. One of the guidelines, iss...


Just 3 night shifts can increase risk of diabetes, obesity: Study

In our fast-paced world, many industries rely on night shifts to keep operations running smoothly around the clock. However, a recent study conducted ...

Displaying 1 - 30 of 2423 total results
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