Displaying 91 - 120 of 2423 total results

Know the symptoms, causes and treatment of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are often misunderstood condition that affects 40 to 50% of Indians. These enlarged, twisted veins can appear blue or purple and typica...


UK woman's bloated stomach misdiagnosed as pregnancy, turns out to be ovarian cancer

In a shocking instance of misdiagnosis, doctors in the UK informed a 24-year-old lady that she was pregnant when in fact, she had ovarian cancer. Acco...


Adding some weight may lower death risk for diabetes patients: Study

For individuals navigating the complexities of type 2 diabetes, maintaining a healthy body weight has long been a cornerstone of management. Yet, rece...


Know THESE 5 benefits of this Butter Lettuce

Butter lettuce, also known as Bibb lettuce, is a leafy green vegetable that has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits....


Know THESE 5 benefits of The King of Fruits

Durian, known as the ‘King of Fruits,’ is a tropical fruit revered for its distinctive flavour and notorious smell. Encased in a thorny, green husk, i...


IIT Jodhpur introduces paper device enables glucose monitoring via smartphone

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur have introduced a groundbreaking innovation in healthcare technology – a low-cost, pap...


Know these 5 benefits of this Monofloral Honey

Manuka honey, derived from the nectar of the Manuka tree native to New Zealand, has been gaining widespread recognition for its remarkable health bene...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce, also known as cos lettuce, is a leafy green vegetable that has gained popularity not only for its crisp and refreshing taste but also...


Bharat Biotech Starts Clinical Trials Of Tuberculosis Vaccine MTBVAC In India

Bharat Biotech International Ltd said it started clinical trials of the Tuberculosis vaccine MTBVAC on adults in India. This is the first vaccine agai...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Superfood Mushrooms

Mushrooms, often called the "meat of the vegetable world," are valued for their distinct flavour and texture in cuisine all around the world. Mushroom...


Know these 5 benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have taken the health world by storm, earning a reputation as a nutritional powerhouse. These tiny seeds, derived from the Salvia hispanica...


Know these 5 benefits of this Root Vegetable

Celeriac, also known as celery root, might not be the most glamorous of vegetables, but don't let its humble appearance fool you. Beneath its gnarly e...


Here are oral hygiene tips for every age and stage of life on World Oral Health Day 2024

Every year on March 20th, we celebrate World Oral Health Day, a global campaign promoting the importance of oral hygiene for overall well-being. This ...


Know these 5 benefits of this Superfood Peppermint

Peppermint isn't just for freshening breath or flavouring candy canes; it's a superfood with an array of health benefits. This aromatic herb, known fo...


Know these 5 benefits of Superfood Coconut

Coconut has been cherished across various cultures for centuries, celebrated not only for its versatility but also for its numerous health benefits. F...


Study finds Intermittent fasting linked to 91% cardio death risk

A recent study presented at an American Heart Association conference suggests that people who restrict their eating to less than 8 hours a day might b...


Know THESE 5 benefits of this Superfood Barley

Barley, often overlooked in favour of more glamorous superfoods, packs a nutritional punch that is worth acknowledging. This humble cereal grain, comm...


Know 5 important reasons to vaccinate your child on National Vaccination Day 2024

Every year on March 16th, India celebrates National Vaccination Day. This year's theme, ‘Vaccines Work for All,’ underscores the critical role vaccina...


Know THESE 5 benefits of this Mandarin Orange

In the realm of superfoods, clementines stand out as a vibrant, tangy delight packed with numerous health benefits. These petite mandarin oranges are ...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Onions

Onions, commonly known as 'pyaaz' in many parts of the world, have long been a staple ingredient in various cuisines. Beyond their culinary uses, onio...


Today Is World Kidney Day

Today is World Kidney Day. The day is observed on the second Thursday of March, every year to create awareness among the people about kidney health an...


Kerala records 190 cases of Mumps in a day, check symptoms and treatment

A mumps outbreak is currently underway in Kerala, with the state recording 190 cases in a single day on March 10, Sunday. According to data from the K...


Know how smoking can lead to higher risk of dementia

Do you smoke? Beware! You could be at a higher risk of dementia. This article helps to understand the connection between smoking and dementia. Di...


Here are Healthy eating habits for women of all ages

True beauty transcends mere appearances; it radiates from within. For women of all ages, embracing healthy eating habits is not just about fitting int...


Know THESE 5 benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice, often hailed as a superfood, is a nutritious whole grain that has been a staple in diets across various cultures for centuries. Unlike its...


Know THESE 5 benefits of this Citrus Fruit

Finger lime, also known as caviar lime or citrus caviar, is gaining popularity as a superfood for its unique taste and numerous health benefits. Nativ...


Here are 5 best and worst foods for people with thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders, such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, can greatly impact a person's health and well-being. The thyroid gland plays a crucial ...


UK ranks second worst for mental health in global survey

The United Kingdom (UK) has ranked second worst on mental health index after it scored a low of 49 on Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) scale, according to...


Know THESE 5 benefits of this Chilli Pepper

Jalapenos, the vibrant green chilli peppers often found spicing up dishes, are not just about adding heat to your meals. These fiery little peppers pa...


International Women’s Day 2024: Know about 6 early signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer in Women

Breast cancer starts in the cells of the breasts, typically in the milk ducts or lobules. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers among women...

Displaying 91 - 120 of 2423 total results
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